
Ciacci Piccolomini D’Aragona Brunello di Montalcino 2015


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Brunello di Montalcino DOCG Ciacci Piccolomini D’Aragona 2015


The estate has origins that date back to the 17th century and it still keeps its historical heritage in a building called “Palazzo” (Palace) that was built by Fabivs de’ Vecchis, Bishop of Montalcino and Abbot of Sant’Antimo Abbey.

After the Bishop’s death, the Palace and the surrounding estate were auctioned according to the Italian law regarding ecclesiastic properties and on September 16, 1868, they were purchased by the countess Eva Bernini Cerretani. On December 31, 1877, the countess Cerretani sold the entire estate to the Ciacci family from Castelnuovo dell’Abate. After the marriage between the count Alberto Piccolomini d’Aragona, a direct discendent of Enea Silvio Piccolomini (Pope Pius II) and Elda Ciacci, the Bishop’s Palace became the Ciacci Piccolomini d’Aragona Palace.

In 1985 the countess Elda Ciacci bequeathed the entire property to Giuseppe Bianchini, farmer of the estate since a lot of years, applying a completely brand new and forefront philosophy production for that period, increasing quantity, quality of wines and opening the export worldwide. Giuseppe, unfortunately passed away in February 2004, left the business to his son and daughter, Paolo and Lucia.


The Ciacci Piccolomini d’Aragona estate is located on the south east slope of the municipality of Montalcino, close to the medieval village of Castelnuovo dell’Abate and to the famous Romanesque Abbey of Sant’Antimo, which dates back to the 11th century.

The entire estate, extending over 220 hectares of which 55.5 are in vines and 40 in olive groves, has all the typical characteristics of the Tuscan countryside adorned with rolling hills, pastures and woods with unforgettable colours. 

Set between Arna hill and the Orcia River to the south-east, it offers a unique panorama with the beautiful contour of Mount Amiata in the background. Wild animals, scents of flowers and plants and the typical farmhouses dotted around, create a peaceful and calm atmosphere in this area. 


8 ettari circa, situati in terreni di medio impasto e galestro, di origine eocenica tra i 240 e i 360 metri s.l.m. dove vengono selezionate le migliori uve per questo Brunello di Montalcino annata.
100% Sangiovese
Vinificazione, fermentazione ed affinamento
In recipienti di acciaio inox e vasche di cemento vetrificate a temperatura controllata tramite camicie di raffreddamento e piastre ad immersione.
In botti di rovere di Slavonia da 20 a 75 hl superiore a 2 anni, seguito da un affinamento in bottiglia superiore a 8 mesi.
Rosso rubino tendente al granato.
Caratteristiche Organolettiche
Note di frutta a bacca rossa sono avvolte da una leggera speziatura; al gusto è caldo, abbastanza morbido e molto equilibrato. Vino di corpo con tannini moderatamente pronunciati e lunga persistenza gusto-olfattiva.
Stappare un’ora prima della mescita e servire a 18°C in calice di cristallo a forma “ballon”. Le bottiglie vanno conservate al buio, distese, al fresco e senza sbalzi di temperatura.
Abbinamento gastronomico
Ideale con cacciagione arrosto o in umido e con primi piatti con condimento a base delle stesse carni. Ottimo anche con formaggi stagionati.
Note tecniche
Le bottiglie sono tutelate grazie ad un ologramma anticontraffazione sulla capsula


  •  98 Points      James Suckling
    Extremely perfumed and decadent with dried flowers and spices and fresh mushrooms. Cherries,too. Full body. Solid core of fruit, yet ever so fine tannins. Goes on for minutes. Such beautifully crafted tannins. Drink after 2021.
  • 95       Wine Advocate
    The Ciacci Piccolomini d’Aragona estate enjoys a beautiful and huge expanse of vineyards at the back of the Castelnuovo dell’Abate village, where the downward slope of the hamlet meets the Orcia River, which delineates the appellation border. The estate’s 2015 Brunello di Montalcino offers lovely harmony and elegance. The wine’s taste profile follows the soft contours and beautiful horizons that characterize this beautiful part of Tuscany. The mouthfeel is medium-weight but carefully balanced with just enough acidity to add brightness. It shows just enough backbone to guarantee staying power and longevity. That said, the tannins are carefully integrated into the delicate fiber of the wine. This is no doubt one of the most graceful Brunellos to emerge from the 2015 vintage. Some 74,500 bottles were released in January 2020.

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